Catch the dream...

I am NOT adventurous.  I am not a visionary or a dreamer.  I may be the most practical person you will ever meet.

I don't like camping.  I don't like dogs.  I don't like sweating.  I get nauseous if I drive too high up a mountain or sit in the front row of a movie theatre.  

Yet this...

This idea that has captured my imagination is not practical.  It is not safe.  It is not neat and tidy.  And yet I can't stop thinking about it.  In fact, there is very little I recall that I've ever been this excited about...


Knightlights grew into a candle company that hires the most vulnerable women in our community - women experiencing homelessness, women in dangerous situations, women recently paroled, women who need a second chance at employment?

What if Knightlights were to partner with existing organizations in Spokane that currently serve these beautiful women and provide a safe, holistic, transitional work environment as part of their recovery?

What if the storefront not only sells quality candles but items made by local artists and community builders who donate their time in our shop instead of paying a commission on their goods?

What if someone out there is reading this right now and feeling all tingly and excited like me, and wants to add their own ideas and dreams to this vision?


I would be overjoyed to talk to you - send me a message via the Contact page!  And please pass this site on to anyone who may be interested in partnering with Knightlights!